
Ambualnce Launch Doc and Stores Pier.

Editor suspects another picture (saucy postcard?) has left an imprint on this, when stuck together in a book. See Top right, and elsewhere.

Stores from London for the Sick


Unloading Stores

Dispatching Stores to Hospitals across the Desert

A few articles for sick arabs in Basrah

The hospital for Arabs was run by a British doctor and two Guy's nurses.

Our Ration of Fresh Water


Waiting the cooks pleasure

My Home in Mespot

Tent on the roof to keep out the rain

Private Section of Hut

4 o'clock tea


Beit Muir Ruins. Burnt out 1st Oct 1916. Base medical stores

Kurnah, site of The Garden of Eden

British Indian Hospital Kurnah

Ezra's Tomb on the banks of The Tigris

MacMun Brige. Entrance to Amarah

Railway, Eng Filed Pasj Amarah, BRCS Launch Anchorage

River Tigris Amarah Left bank

River Tigris Right bank Amarah

Captain Weavers Depot Amarah

Foreshore Amarah

Taking Water from Tigris

Turkish Prisoners Amarah